About Us


Hello there! Thank you for checking this page, I appreciate your attention to me personally. And I’m glad to share a little more about who I am and why I created this website.

I’m Gaurav belong to a rural area in Faridabad. I did a B.SC in physical science (2023) after that it was the biggest hurdle for me to choose a right path for my future and I am a farsighted person wanted to make my identity in this technology era. I did not keen to do masters degree because I realized that technology is changing day to day and everything came online. This happened in swift after lockdown. Every creator/ merchant was emphasizing on their digital presence and most got successful.

I am a positive person and felt that Gaurav! this era is of the internet and technology and we should learn about how technology is working and how can we do right use of internet. Every domain has a cut throat competition and I think that If you have a P.HD degree in any course and you don’t know how internet works and the power of internet so it would be quite difficult for staying in this era. Everyone knows time goes continuously and change is permanent. That time had been passed when people did 8th /10th or 5th and got a job. In present scenario everything is changed. Everyone is struggling to find success. I am also one of them and after understand of delicacy of time I make up my mind to learn skill and about technology.

Now, I have decided that I have to learn some technical course but the problem was that what course could I do because technology is also very vast and to make carrier in this field there are plenty of platform available. From starting I was a curious person and wanted to do something different where my mostly friends were doing there college and not learning any technical skill. I decided stop horsing around Gaurav and explore yourself.

Then, I did an online search via the help of smartphone on you tube and google. Where I got to know about Digital Marketing and once I heard that course from the podcast of Sandeep Maheshwari show. Then I searched deeply and discussed with my friend Hansraj Baghel who is currently blogger on http://apnafaridabad.in/ and post beautiful blog. He knew little bit about the digital marketing and he is one who told me about blogging.

Then I made up my mind to hit the course of Digital Marketing. I also tried from you tube but I was getting distracted there so I did Digital Marketing course from Delhi via offline classes where I used to commute Faridabad to Delhi. That was very struggling for me on onboarding the metro and daily up and down because it took too much time for reaching the institute more than the class took.

In the same year 2023, I completed my Digital Marketing course where I learned so many modules only just 4 months I know Digital Marketing is very broad and no one can get expertise in overall digital marketing field in a short period of time but I got an overview after the course and even I got the job. I knew I was a fresher but my demand was that I wanted that type of job where I could enhance my skill at top notch level that too soon doesn’t matter salary because I give priority to skill more than money. And being a 23 year old and elder son in my family I have a lots of responsibility.

After getting the job I went office and there I felt eccentric and suffocated because I had never done any job so it was worst moment for me. On my 1st day I made backlinks and 2nd day I also did same and they were giving me same task daily then I talked with my colleague who was working there for an year and more than year and asked them what did u learn from there till now they said to me I do make backlinks daily and don’t know more than that. I asked them about content writing, social media marketing and technical SEO etc. they didn’t about it. So I felt that here I couldn’t enhance my skills and creativity because while pursuing course my batchmates and teachers always used to appreciate me for my creativity and work whenever we got any assignment. I was torch bearer there. And I also wanted to show my creativity on job but I thought I would remain here as a part of rat race. On 3rd day I also did same work that was so annoying for me and I requested to my leader please allotted me different work and taught me new thing but he denied. So I made up my mind and quiet that job without thinking because I don’t want to be a part of rat race.

Then it was again the biggest challenge for me because I was in vague that should I do job or work on my own project because in my spare time I used to listen podcast related to business and Digital Marketing where I got to know that many younger one are making handsome money by working on their own project without having an any experience via blogging, web stories, social media and you tube etc. and a strong positive commitment I made that I would create my own website and start working continuously and will learn many more things and also discussed with my friend Hansraj. He said me that we learn quickly on working our own project.

So, I’ve created my website where I can learn deeply algorithms of blogging, SEO etc. Even though I am novice and I’ll do my best further and give you all the information, trends related to Delhi NCR, stay connected for more update. Now, I am starting my journey in the field of Digital Marketing through this website and now I want to make my unique identity in this domain.

Meet our team


Founder of apnancr



Content writer and SEO manager
